What to expect if you visit us:
When people arrive they are warmly welcomed, find a seat and just before the service starts things quieten down. Like the First Century Christians we have no formal priests or ministers, but one of our local members (who we call the president for that day) will make sure that the service goes smoothly by announcing the hymns, prayers, Bible readings, and the main Bible talk itself. We usually stand for hymns and prayers, but if you feel uncomfortable about this, or any other part of the service, please feel free to just sit quietly.
For our Breaking of Bread service, baptised Christadelphian members only are offered to take a take a piece of bread and sip of wine in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice, since we share a common belief in Christ’s commandments.
You will notice that all female Christadelphian members will be wearing some form of head covering during the service. This follows the practice set out in 1 Corinthians 11:6 showing us that the head of woman is the man, as the head of man is Christ – that we are all subject to Christ.
The exact order of the service is slightly different on Sunday afternoons than on Wednesday nights, and on both occasions it may be varied to suit the subject being discussed. Usually, though, there will be an opening prayer, hymn and Bible reading. The president will then introduce the speaker for the evening, who will usually speak for about 30 minutes. The meeting then normally concludes with another hymn and prayer.
If you found the talk interesting, please stay behind and talk to the speaker, or any of our members, about what you heard!